Chris Lybeer

Chris Lybeer

Board Member

Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer — RevelSystems

For many decades Chris has been in the technology business supporting restaurants. In fact, in the late 1980s he was in charge of building the first restaurant point of sale (POS) solution on an open PC platform for NCR. Since then, he has been with a variety of companies, including a long run as an executive with Atlanta-based Radiant Systems, maker of the widely adopted Aloha solution for the restaurant industry. Currently, Chris is the Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer for Revel Systems®, provider of the first cloud-native, tablet-based solution that now supports tens of thousands of clients and nearly a million employees each day.  

Chris is passionate about many things, including the Atlanta community as it continues to evolve. As a fan of Staplehouse, he was an early follower of the inspiring Giving Kitchen story, leading to Jen Hidinger-Kendrick being the keynote speaker at Revel’s 2019 client user conference. When it became apparent that the Giving Kitchen model was working and could be scaled beyond Georgia to meet national needs, Chris and the Revel team felt compelled to help in any way they could, both financially and with resource support, to make that happen. The hospitality industry is such an important thread in the fabric of our lives, and yet the environment for the large workforce that makes it tick needs more support. Giving Kitchen is doing great work in that direction, and Revel, with deep roots in the industry, is committed to being part of the team and its success.  

In addition to his Giving Kitchen and Revel commitments, Chris works with and supports many community organizations, including Presbyterian Homes of Georgia, the Clifton Men’s Shelter, and Passion Conference, among others. He is a former Chairman of the Board of the Georgia Cancer Foundation, is currently on the board of Restaurant Technology Network, was named one of the most influential 50 leaders in the restaurant industry by Nation’s Restaurant News, and often speaks at conferences as a subject matter expert. Chris lives in Virginia Highlands with his wife Joy, and 4 of their 6 children also live in the neighborhood. When time allows, Chris loves to golf, travel, play competitive bocce, and of course, explore the ever-changing restaurant scene!