There are many ways to support Giving Kitchen and its mission to support food service workers in crisis.

Corporate Sponsorships

Become a GK Partner! You can support Giving Kitchen as an annual corporate partner or an event sponsor; with a cause marketing campaign or community fundraiser; or by becoming a Stability Network partner! Learn more about all of these partnership opportunities here.

Hidi Society

Hidi Society members make Giving Kitchen’s mission part of their legacy by including GK in their estate planning. Share your legacy.


Donor Advised Funds

Your generous gift through a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) will make a significant impact on Giving Kitchen’s mission to help food service workers in crisis.

DAFs offer a flexible and tax-efficient way to support your favorite charities. When you recommend a grant to Giving Kitchen through your DAF, you’re helping us serve food service workers across the nation by meeting them with compassion and care.

To learn more about how to make a gift through your DAF, please contact our Director of Donor Engagement, Michele Kresge at

How to address your gift to Giving Kitchen

Legal Name: The Giving Kitchen Initiative Inc.
Tax ID number: 46-2176788
Mailing Address: 970 Jefferson Street, Suite 8, Atlanta, GA 30318
Contact Person: Michele Kresge
Phone Number: 470-788-0311

Logo DAF Direct


Stock Transfer

We accept gifts in the form of stocks, mutual funds, and appreciated securities. Learn more.

Memorial Giving

Commemorate a special moment or honor the legacy of a loved one with a donation. Learn more.

Host Your Own Fundraiser

Include GK in your special day! Create a fundraiser for your birthday, wedding, or special event. Get started.

Goods That Give + Partner Fundraisers

Buy our Goods That Give, sell them at your business, participate in a partner fundraiser, or host your own fundraiser for Giving Kitchen! Learn about Goods That Give and Partner Fundraisers here.

Questions about contributing to Giving Kitchen?
Email GK Donor Relations Manager Brynn Reily at

Transparency, Tax Information, and Privacy Policy

Click here to view tax forms, governance information, past annual reports, and more information on how we raise and distribute funds.

Thank You to Our Annual Corporate Partners

Each of these partners has made a significant financial contribution to Giving Kitchen in support of our mission to help food service workers in crisis. As you consider purveyors and distributors for your businesses, please give extra consideration to the companies below. By supporting them, you're supporting Giving Kitchen. Click on the image to be directed to each company’s website!

Want to partner with us? View all partnership options here.