About Giving Kitchen

Giving Kitchen is a nonprofit that helps food service workers in crisis. GK provides stability through referrals to a network of low or no-cost community resources. Food service workers who have experienced an injury, illness, housing disaster, or death of a family member can also receive financial assistance to cover living expenses. Learn more on our What We Do page. Check out our boilerplate on our Brand Support page.

What is Giving Kitchen?


Since its inception in 2013, Giving Kitchen has served over 28,000 food service workers and awarded over $15 million to food service workers in crisis.

In 2024, Giving Kitchen distributed 2,118 awards totaling more than $3 million in financial support, and provided over 32,000 community resource referrals.


How It Started

How the fight for one life became an opportunity to serve thousands.

Giving Kitchen grew out of a response to the devastating, stage-four cancer diagnosis of Chef Ryan Hidinger in December 2012. Ryan was well-known in the Atlanta restaurant community, and he and his wife, Jen, were beloved for their supper club called Prelude to Staplehouse, which they hosted for several years as a precursor to opening their dream restaurant.

The response to Ryan’s diagnosis - initially from friends within the restaurant industry, and then quickly from an ever-expanding community across Atlanta - was truly heroic: an outpouring of love and financial support to help with his expenses not covered by insurance.

The community’s overwhelming response to the Hidingers' crisis set the intent, beliefs, and values for Giving Kitchen, which was officially founded in 2013.

Read more about Ryan Hidinger and Giving Kitchen’s origins here.

Chef Ryan Hidinger at a Prelude to Staplehouse event, 2012

Chef Ryan Hidinger at a Prelude to Staplehouse event, 2012


Who We Are

Chefs at Charlotte Family Meal 2023 with GK Founder Jen Hidinger-Kendrick and Sr. Director of Field Operations Leah Melnick

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We are a food service community meeting crisis with compassion and care.

Our team consists of some of the hardest-working food-lovers you’re likely to encounter. Meet our staff and board of directors.


Impact Reporting

Press Releases

For media inquiries, please contact Rebecca Wagner, Sr. Director of Marketing + Communications, at rebecca@thegivingkitchen.org.
For general inquiries, please email

Awards + Accolades

fast company brands that matters


Our Stories

Giving Kitchen’s story started with Ryan Hidinger and the fight to save one life. Now our story is the fight to serve thousands.

We aim to share our most meaningul stories with the help of a team of writers, photographers, volunteers, and GK clients. Together, we are Giving Kitchen and we help food service workers.

Click here to read GK stories.



Media Mentions: GK In The News


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Giving Kitchen Videos

What To Expect at Giving Kitchen

Mind Matters Highlight Reel

Pop-Up Doc: GK’s Health Fair

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