Nancy Oswald Supports The Service Industry

I became involved with Giving Kitchen after being introduced to Ryan Turner and Chris Hall in 2013. I was unaware of Ryan and Jen Hidinger’s story but was instantly captivated and touched by the Unsukay partners’ acts of compassion on behalf of their team member and friend. During that meeting, Ryan and Chris asked me to join the GK board. I said, “Yes!” without hesitation.

A month later, I met Ryan and Jen Hidinger for the first time over lunch at Ruth’s Chris Centennial Park. Ryan was going through treatment, and I remember his total amusement by the one tuft of grey hair he had acquired during his chemotherapy. His selfless grace and sense of humor amidst all he was facing were illuminating... and positively beguiling. They had such excitement and passion about Staplehouse and their plans for the restaurant, which wouldn’t open until two years later. My desire to be a part of their mission was cemented.

For a hospitality community that hungers to serve others, supporting GK gives a sense of belonging that is indeed rare. Introducing restaurant workers to GK and helping them feel connected to the industry at large is a particular goal of mine. I hope to do that through my involvement at both the board and restaurant levels.

One of our core values at Ruth’s Chris is that “we will be good civic citizens.” We celebrate that tradition in all of our restaurants today. Our involvement with GK, including our participation in Multiply Joy (GK’s employee-giving program), not only echoes our founder’s commitment to community, but it brings authenticity to our culture. It helps emphasize the fact that community is built by caring and connection. For some of our team members, donating to GK through a payroll deduction is their first taste of personal philanthropy. We also have team members that were grant recipients who now donate through Multiply Joy - it’s their way of showing gratitude for what the organization did for them in their time of need.

Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” An organization built on the best of intentions, GK has allowed us to be better as individuals and better as an industry, and it’s strengthened the fabric of our community in ways never imagined.